News from the Christ in Action Food Bank SCO45322 June 9th 2020

The work of the Christ in Action Food Bank continues during these extraordinary times and I think I am fortunate to have a justified reason for going out to work even if it is Covid cleaning church halls. I feel for those in our community who are in the “shielding group” but I know that those who need food, in this group are receiving help if required, from the government food boxes because some (not required by the individuals) has found its way to us to be redistributed. We have received food from South Ayrshire Council, customers in Sainsbury have been generous as have many individuals from our churches and friends of friends who have heard about the work we are doing. Our food stock is good and we have some funds in the bank. We thank everyone who has contributed to the food bank in the past two and a half months.

We visited the school today, well we parked in the school carpark and members of staff unloaded the tins of tomatoes, sardines, boxes of juice, UHT milk, pots of ambrosia desserts, pasta sauce, pasta not to forget a box of Curly Worley’s all items that will go into children’s lunch packs or into food parcels going out from Newton Primary School. The school is averaging 300/400 lunches per week and putting out over 100 food parcels per week. Christ in Action is suppling through Grant’s Fruiters milk, eggs and fruit to the school every week. We have seen a decline in requests from our local hostels. The Blue Triangle has been receiving food from 10:10 and Salvation Army.  Hostel numbers before lockdown were edging up to 20 per week we are at the moment down to around 8/10. NHS Mental Health, and NHS Nurse for Homeless have been using our services.

Our financial year ended on 31st of January and normally at this time I would be inviting you to join us at our Annual Meeting but that will not be the case this year. When If I can I will put the report online. I am grateful to Ian Steven for being our Financial Examiner and as he has signed of our financial statements our reports have been sent to OSCR.

Donations are still urgently needed, hygiene items toilet rolls soap toothbrushes toothpaste small bottles of shampoo, biscuits and sugar in particular and can be either dropped off at a specific address or picked up from your home, whichever is the easiest for you. Just contact us using the following email: – a mutually convenient time will be then be arranged.

Please take hope from our experience. We were concerned about volunteers, volunteers came. We were concerned about food, food came. As Trustees we pray for help and help comes. Please pray for us and our volunteers and all the people and children who receive the love of Christ through these actions in His name.
