Fellowship and Hospitality Team

The Fellowship and Hospitality Team identifies and develops fellowship opportunities for the congregation and community. They plan and organise occasional or ongoing events including social fundraising. They also oversee catering arrangements and support existing groups – where possible Fairtrade goods are used.

The Shoppers’ Café meets on a Friday in the church hall between 10am and 12 noon. It provides a time of friendly fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee and is appreciated by many.

The Men’s Club meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at 7.30pm during the winter months.  It operates a varied programme of visiting speakers, visits to places of interest and frequent members nights.

The Art Group meets on Tuesday mornings from 10am to 12 noon, and brings together people who love art of all kinds. Tuition is not provided but the group members are willing to share tips and advice. Beginners and more advanced artists are very welcome to attend.

The Friendship Club meets on the first Thursday of every month at 1.30pm in the church hall. It provides a happy afternoon of warm fellowship beginning with home-baking and tea or coffee followed by entertainment which varies from month to month.

The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church which invites and encourages men and women to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action. The Kingcase Guild meet on Tuesday evenings from October to March at 7.30pm in the church hall. Worship and fellowship is complemented by a varied programme of speakers and activities.

The Music and Movement ladies group meets on Monday mornings in the church hall between 9.30am and 10.30am to provide an opportunity for an hour of gentle exercise to music.