Category: Uncategorized

  • Christ in Action Food Bank – Update

    Over the past 10 years we have consistently changed what we do in response to best serving our aim of giving food to those in food crisis. In the challenging circumstances of the past 2 years our flexibility has enabled us to continue to help many individuals and families We have received support from the…

  • Christ in Action Food Bank

    Tesco bags of Help Thank you for your help We came 2nd and will receive £1000 Our project “Good Food for those in Food Crisis” Over the next 12 months this money will enable us to continue to supply fresh items e.g. milk, eggs, spread, bread, potatoes, fruit and other vegetables to families in need…

  • COP 26

    Some information from Church of Scotland regarding COP26…/cop26-and-the-church… Life and Work have produced a FREE four-page COP26 Special Supplement available now at…/cop26-special-supplement. The purpose of this publication is to enable congregations to engage before, during and after COP26 and also signpost resources.Also, the November issue of the magazine published today has a focus…

  • Christ in Action food Bank Update

    Please note a change of start date to 15 October 2021.

  • Christian Aid – Give Star Emergency Appeal

    Last week Christian Aid launched an urgent Global Hunger Appeal to raise funds for our global neighbours facing the very real threat of starvation. We are asking all churches to hold a collection if they can.  This will enable our local partners to provide access to clean water, food, seeds and tools to support food production…

  • General Assembly 2021: Special Supplement

    Life and Work has released a FREE four-page summary of the main decisions, debates and speeches from last week’s General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. It is available HERE to view on our website or full link General Assembly 2021: Special Supplement – Life and Work. Please feel free to share. You can read the magazine’s full…

  • News from the Christ in Action Food Bank SCO45322 – October 2020

    It has been a very busy time since I last wrote for the church web site. Those anxious questions we had to answer re the school and volunteers and funds have been answered and we have also coped with risk assessment, presbytery enquiries and visits to Monkton and Prestwick North Church hall by the Blood…

  • Michaelmas 2020

    Last week I got a surprise.  There in the flower bed just outside my back door were two little clumps of Michaelmas daisies, announcing the arrival of Autumn.   The latest installment of Kathleen Bates’ blog, Michaelmas 2020, can be found at the following link:-

  • Impact Report 2019 – 20

    As you will be aware, our frontline work is always our priority and as part of our response to the impact of COVID-19, we revised our 2020 communications plan to reduce publications and mailing costs.  One of the results is the launch of our interactive Impact Report which shares the personal stories of life-changing work…

  • Update on our first Congregational Worship 27 September 2020

    Last Sunday, 27 September, was the first congregational services at Kingcase since being given permission by Ayr Presbytery to re-open for Worship.  I have added a couple of photographs showing the Sanctuary with social distance seating in place.   The telephone booking system functioned well, with Elaine collating the attendees names and contact numbers for…